Double Screen Test in Pregnancy
Double screen test is done between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. It assesses the possibility of Down’s syndrome, trisomy 18, trisomy 21 in the fetus. Double screen test is a blood test where Free Beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and PAPP-A (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein) symptoms are checked in the blood.
Double screen test is done between 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. It assesses the possibility of Down’s syndrome, trisomy 18, trisomy 21 in the fetus.
Double screen test is a blood test where Free Beta HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and PAPP-A (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein) symptoms are checked in the blood. This test also checks ultrasound nuchal scan to check for chromosomal abnormalities. Nuchal translucency (NT) is the translucent area at the back of the baby’s neck. This luminousness is caused by the fluid and thickness of this area determines whether to go for further examination or not. This area diminishes after 14 weeks so it should be checked before the completion of 14 weeks.
Today we have various tests available and with double screen test you can perceive whether Down’s syndrome is present in your unborn or not. This is important for a woman if she gets pregnant after 35. The probability of having a baby with chromosomal imbalance or Down’s syndrome is likely for elderly pregnant women. It is suitable that all pregnant women should go through this test so that she is positive that the baby is completely normal.
Advantages of Double Screen Test:
This gives you time to think and consult your doctor for another advanced like the Materniti 21 if your baby is detected with Down’s syndrome.
You can go through the diagnostic check if double screen tests turn positive.
You will have good detection rates.

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