Naina PolyClinic

Other Services

Naina Polyclinic and Naina Polyclinic & Physiotherapy Center was established in 1998 and since then has thrived with service-oriented therapists who extend personal care for all our patients. Some of our other services are mentioned here.

Lab Investigations

Your physical therapist will focus on several areas, including your strength, balance, flexibility, joint stability, cardiovascular fitness, and range of motion. Most pre-and post operative rehabilitation programs last four to six weeks depending on your needs.

Double Screen Test in Pregnancy

Sports injury rehabilitation or ‘rehab’ is a structured program designed by physiotherapists for people who have sustained a sporting injury. Depending on the type of injury you have sustained, your program will include a number of parts which may include strengthening exercises, mobilizing, pain relief techniques and functional skills. At, we aim to maximize recovery by tailoring the rehabilitation to your individual goals and monitoring your progress throughout.

Quad Screen Test in Pregnancy

Paediatric physiotherapists help children to achieve their optimal physical development. They have specialist knowledge in the movement, development and conditions that are likely to affect the baby and growing child and treat from 1-day-old babies to adolescents. Treatment may involve soft tissue massage, mobilisation, stretching, specific therapeutic exercises and posture education. Because Children are not small adults these therapists encourage children to move to the best of their abilities through play and age appropriate fun and instruction.


Physiotherapy treatment may include: Exercises to strengthen weak muscles in the arms legs and trunk. Muscle stretching to reduce pain and stiffness and to prevent soft tissue contractures. Gait retraining with the use of mobility aids such as crutches or walking frame if necessary.

HPV Vaccine

The herniated disc symptoms can be treated with low impact exercises that increase blood flow and help strengthen the muscles around the spine, thus restoring mobility and decreasing pain. Slipped disc therapy can help relieve pressure from the vertebral bones and nerves and lessen the pain.